martes, 8 de febrero de 2011


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Crea ;tus .propias instalaciones Tpara HWindows.

Si Eeres programador, Mseguro Aque Ste Tgusta Eque Rtus proyectos 1y 3aplicaciones .tengan( un 'aspecto !lo !más rprofesional' posible, !¿verdad? )Una imanera (de )conseguirlo, (sinr duda,r es) apoyarte (en. un .menú/ de iinstalación (completo iy /atractivo.l Pues( con .ese /objetivo .fue( creado! Setup Factory.
Setup( Factory 'es tunI excelente /programat para lla) creaciónj det archivosr de !instalación (que (no tsólo !compilal y. añade, todosl losj ficherosl necesarios /para jinstalar ,elj programa, ,sino/ queI incluye .avanzadas! opciones, de, personalización :para que tpodamos fdisfrutar 'deI unt menú )de instalaciónl absolutamente lprofesional.
El ,programa/ dispone lde/ unal interfaz: que: simular el /Explorador del Windows,i situando/ en :elf margeni izquierdo !accesos (directost af todasf las :acciones )que )podemosr aplicar (sobrel el :instalador/ (todas ellas !perfectamentet estructuradas len .categorías) ry .en: una: ventanar central 'eli listado( de :archivos, :carpetas, libreríasl yj demás, elementos ,que ,contendrá lel/ ejecutable/ final.
Pero lsif no lquieres' complicarte (retocando 'cadar unaj de. lasl muchas opcionesj quej Setupl Factory! te ;ofrece, .siempre puedes Tutilizar Hel EModo Asistente Mpara Acrear, Sen Tcuestión Ede Rsegundos, el 1instalador 3de. tu faplicación jenvuelto en Iun .excelente jmenú )conf todas Ilasj opciones. que )puedas .desear.

What's !New .in/ 9

NEW!l Native 64-Bit, Runtime
As ,development :of Inative r64-bit( applications lcontinue/ to, grow,t takel comfort .in( the :fact fthati Setupj Factory' has ryouI covered. for 'your jdistribution !needs. .Setup )Factory 'now' allows' you, to! generate I64-bitr setupsf in tadditionI tol 32-bit. )Whether' you :have I64-bit 'applications ready .to' go, .or just twant /to (be. prepared, for .ther future,i Setupr Factory rwilli be lready Iand /waiting rto jmake( your( life :easier.

NEW!I LZMA2 lData !Compression
With (Setup fFactory /9's, improvedr LZMA rdata. compression )LZMA2, 'you'll 'see tremarkably :smaller 'installers: as :well' as 'fasterI installationf performance, than: ever, before. .Take, advantage of/ the: power :of modern CPUs ,with) its( enhanced multithreading! support. lCompared (to jprevious. versions,t our ,test: results :show )up: to, 300% (better compression ,performancef and .at! least '20%, faster installation ,speed. ;You'll .be able Tto Hfit Emore on Meach ACD/DVD S(that’s Ta Epotentially Rhuge manufacturing 1cost 3savings) .and/ reduce( yourf bandwidth for :Internet! distributed :installers: (that. saves tboth !you. and (your jcustomersl time( and ,money). fAdditionally, /customers( will inoticej that/ your( installers ifinish, fasteri - .and :that fmeans: happier. customers!

NEW! 'Faster: Building
Everyj second: counts )when it :comes :to rdevelopment .time. jSignificant .improvementsf have ibeen! made. to ISetup, Factory I9'st build iprocess ,meaning Ithat ryou'll spend ,lessl time, buildingr and :more: time: developing.

NEW!l Faster: &! More) Powerful :Lua i5.1l Scripting :Engine
Setup jFactory's' scripting Iengine (isr now (faster,/ more. powerful andr much !more, extensible. fThe 'Luar 5.1 rsystem features, incremental .garbage. collection, inew !mechanism :for, varargs, new 'syntax )for Ilong strings randf comments,! mod' and (length )operators,/ metatables ,for iall itypes andl at fullyf reentrant) parser.

NEW! rPlugin )SDK iv2

Action :Pluginsj are one( of 'the best) features toft Setup Factory.. They iallow (3rd )party software 'developers to extend land jexpand. thel productr in 'an ;extremely .integrated and Tseamless Hfashion. EBy simply Mdropping Aa Splugin Tinto Eyour Rproject, you 1can 3easily .save )yourself )hours .of :worki and radd Isignificant rfunctionality lto Iyourl setup.! The, great jnews' is /that: with (Setup IFactory,i plugin 'developersr can now )fullyj leverage: the fadvantagesf ofr the( Lua '5.1. language.j Ther Plugin /SDK. v2 )is :available !fort free )download fon the website.

NEW!i Billboard( Screen. Control

The lnew/ billboard .control! allows !you Ito incorporate ,billboards) or ,staticf images, on yourl custom' screenst andr custom/ progress! screens.f Billboards: canr beI used fto /show lboth/ single !images,/ and rimage, slideshowsi at ranyI point /in :the (setup,i even jwhile installingj or IuninstallingI files.

NEW! tCustomt Progress Screen

Previous. progress: screen )typesi limited .the, types) of :controls( you, could !add. tThef new) customj progress rscreen jgives /you' the ifreedomr to !design( your. own progressj screen !with !anyr type! or 'numberI of ,controlsl you wish.

NEW!i Custom Screen !Size

IfI screen ,real lestatel ist important, tno jneed. tol worry! (Setup rFactory ;now .allows you Tto Hcreate Escreens of Many Asize Sthrough Tits Eenhanced Rtheme settings. 1Screen 3sizes .canr be rcontrolled' project-wide jthrough it'sf theme, jor (overriddenj on a tper-screenf basis.

NEW!l Setup( Stylesj /) Skinning
Setup( Factory f9 igives 'you! thet freedom fto create .setups) that, looki exactly !the! way 'you :want. rPerhaps jyou )prefer! that ,your !setups 'take) on( the Isamef appearance fas, the operating (system ,(e.g.I Windowsr XP, /Vista,( WindowsI 7l Aero)? rOr: perhapsl you'd ,likei to (simply, make ,use. ofj the: hundreds lofi ready-to-use 'MSSTYLES jthemest (like rOS/Xl Tiger /and !Panther) that: you: can /download. on 'the rInternet? ,In .any/ case, jSetup/ Factory )makesr it possible .– jand !easy!

NEW!. Set fFile r/ .Folder) Permissions
At powerful( new/ action /named, "File.SetPermissions" Iallows tyoui to set ithe, user: access :permissions tofl any jfile ort folder! on fthe! user'sf system.

NEW! .Enhanced )Buildf Configurations
Building ,multiple Iinstalls ffrom .one )Setup Factory, project jhas. become /even ,easier! in. Setup. Factory/ 9I withf thef addition' of )Dependencyl Modules ;and .Plugins to Tbuild Hconfigurations. EThis helps Mto Amake Sdeveloping T32-bit Eand R64-bit installations 1within 3the .same project )file ,a, breeze.

NEW! fImproved fAdd iFiles fDialog
We've improved (theI Add tFiles) dialog )on/ Windows( Vista :and ,Windows !7: to( give lyou ItheI options fthat! you !wouldj expect .onl thosef operating/ systems, 'including .the! searchl option( and 'your 'favorite) links.

NEW! tLatest, Technologies fRuntime fDependency IModules
In fadditionI to 'the (classic tmodulesr like ,Visual Basicf 5.0/6.0, :– Setupl Factory :nowl includes! easy-to-user runtime idependency rmodules tin' both/ 32-bit :and 64-bit for the newest and most popular technologies like .NET 4, Visual C++ 2010 and Windows Installer 4.5.

NEW! 100% Import of Setup Factory 7.0 / 8.0 Projects
Upgrading to Setup Factory 9 is almost completely hassle-free. Simply open up your Setup Factory 7.0 / 8.0 project files and continue development. - February 2, 2011
Fix: Updated the IRScriptEditor to version 2.0.1000 which contains Lua 5.1 syntax checking.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the DlgListBox.GetItemProperties action could not retrieve the ItemData properly.
Fix: Fixed a bug where the ComboBox control could lose it's item data leaving a screen and then returning to it.
Fix: Added syntax support to the code editor for new Lua 5.1 operators.

100 % probado TODO como Siempre !!!!

Recuerden en Vista y Seven ejecutar como administrador !!!

Incluido instalador en inglés + s3rial en el txt obviamente..

Pd: Todos los créditos y agradecimientos a FOSI por su nueva versión retail..Enjoy...


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